
The journey so far!

Okay, so the last one month was incredibly hectic and I had no time to blog. The meetings, the planning, the goof-ups, the anxiety and the joy of doing something fearless and selfless- it was insane. None of us knew that the Youth Raft Project was going to end in such a big way.

So, it all began when we were asked to come up with a project idea where we could put our skills to practice- the skills that we were taught during the course of the Youth RAFT Kashmir Project sponsored by Mercy Corps, Kashmir. Around eight different projects were suggested by various Youth Raft participants, out of which five seemed feasible. It took us one week to narrow down to One Young Kashmir which was selected by consensus.

When it began, the idea was to get politicians face-to-face with the people and let the latter question them (the politicians) on critical issues. Needless to say, this was the reason why OYK was selected- it struck the right chord! This idea attracted everyone. But it wasn't before a lot of brainstorming that we decided not to have politicians on board, as they could use the platform to promote their own agenda. But the precise event flow was yet to be designed. And finally, when Usman introduced the Participatory Planning Process, it all fell into place almost naturally. The idea had taken a definite shape! This was something unconventional and totally cool.

We would meet everyday, invest personal time and energies (and moolah), talk the hell out of issues, brainstorm every little detail and debate every little controversy- it was like raising a child. An unknown force drove us- it was selfless and pure. It was then that I understood the essence of the quote "Nothing is stronger than the heart of a volunteer". The meetings started extending into nights and the days went by fast. We seemed to have lost track of time, and food! A hell lot of planning went into it. Mercy Corps' office became our second home- even when there was no work, we would show up and hold meetings. We turned into zombies who enjoyed their work and worked like crazy.

We grew more attached to the project and to each other by the day (or should I say, by the meeting). The one thing that made life at Mercy Corps, Kashmir so interesting is the friendly environment- everyone is treated with respect and taken seriously. The folks at MCKs (as we like calling it) were very friendly. I, for one, learnt things that I never knew before or things that I knew but had never paid attention to. I discovered a whole new way of solving problems and negotiating issues.

I don't know what it was- but inspite of all the stress and monotony of meetings, we managed not to lose focus. We never feared failure and never gave it a second thought. From the day the idea was born to the day it was executed, we never stopped believing and never started doubting!

And then it all came together in the end (as someone remarked, "like an Indian wedding").

to be contd ...


One Young Kashmir Youth Leadership Summit

One Young Kashmir (OYK) is a first-of-it's-kind, youth-led initiative to bring together the youth of Kashmir to speak on issues that concern them most; Rights, Culture and Economy. This is your time to speak and be heard, your time to discuss the biggest problems that we face today, suggest solutions to them and even make them known to the decision-makers for consideration. You can speak without fear and argue without being misunderstood. We believe that we should have a say in our future- do you ? The event provides opportunities for creative expression (through talent showcasing), leadershiplearning and networking opportunities.

The main focus of OYK is a 3-day discussion on issues like Rights, Culture and Economy with reference to Kashmir. Groups of youth get together to express their take on the various issues concerning Kashmir and suggest solutions based on their aspirations. We have experts to guide them in formulating their opinion as well as the solution.

OYK is an exclusive event- Participants will be selected from among students, working professionals and young entrepreneurs in the age-group 17-30. Each application will be evaluated individually and participants will be shortlisted on the basis of their level of understanding and passion for the issues we face as Kashmiris. The selection process will be transparent and the only thing that differentiates one person from another is their passion about Kashmir, the problems facing Kashmir and their desire to solve them.

3 days where you have meaningful discussions with your peers for solving our toughest problems. By the end of the event, we want you to have:

A voice,
More Awareness,
Expert Knowledge on a particular issue,
Better leadership skills,
More networks,
A say in what future Kashmir should look like!